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everything about HEART

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everything about HEART

The heart is one of the most essential organs in the body as it is responsible for the blood and oxygen circulation. When the heart is unable to pump sufficient blood, it leads to various heart related health problems. Some of those conditions are coronary artery, cardiomyopathy, heart attacks, and heart failure. Maintaining a strong and healthy heart is the secret to long life.

What are the Main Causes of Heart Problems?

One of the biggest causes of heart diseases is the buildup of cholesterol in the arteries. Too much cholesterol intake could increase the plaque in the blood artery walls. When the arteries are blocked, they are not be able to maintain the blood flow, which increases pressure on the heart.

Soon after, this blockage leads to reduced blood flow, and with passage of time, it could lead to complete artery block, causing a stoppage of the blood supply.

The body shows numerous signs to let you know about the present heart condition.  The first is low or high blood pressure. When the cholesterol levels rise in the body, it could narrow the blood arteries,which contributes to an increase in blood pressure. Some of the other symptoms of heart diseases are chest pain, shortness of breath, irregular heartbeat, nausea, and sweating.

Lifestyle Changes is the Way Ahead

Problems in our heart is often a result of poor lifestyle choices. Here is what you can do to maintain a healthy heart.

#1 Regular Blood Pressure and Cholesterol Checkup

Heart health is directly related to blood pressure and the cholesterol levels. Both of these conditions are dangerous for your heart health. To keep them under control, all you have to do is get periodic tests done. You will not be able to monitor either of them without regular checkups. Even though you may control high blood pressure over time, but taking control of cholesterol level is a daunting task. If gone out of control, it could cause arteries to narrow which could stop the blood flow to the body and heart.

#2 Quit Smoking and Reduce Alcohol Intake

Most people believe that smoking only affects lungs, but that is not true. Smoking affects heart health as well. Tobacco smoking is the reason for 1/3rd cardiovascular deaths. If you want a healthy heart, then it is best that you quit smoking. Moreover, if consume alcohol, then you need to limit its consumption as well. It is advised that men and women should limit themselves to a single alcoholic drink a day.

#3 Eat Healthy and Control Weight

When it comes to heart health, then most of the doctors’ first advice is to eat healthy food followed by weight control. The reason behind this is that unhealthy foods tend to increase the amount of cholesterol and fat in the body that could block the arteries from smooth blood flow. You should keep in mind that you eat as much healthy food as possible. Moreover, do regular exercises as they will help you in staying fit and maintaining a healthy weight.


To keep your hearth in perfect shape, all you have to do is follow the practices mentioned above, and they will help you in keeping the heart healthy.  


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