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In the last few decades, cholesterol has received a bad reputation as the precursor of heart problems. While cholesterol is definitely harmful, one needs to have a better understanding of cholesterol to lead a better life.

There are two types of cholesterol - high-density lipoprotein (HDL) and low-density lipoprotein (LDL). The HDL is good for your health as it protects the heart from catching any diseases whereas the LDL does exactly its opposite. The low-density lipoprotein cholesterol is responsible for clogging the arteries and reduces the blood circulation that causes heart attacks and strokes. When the LDL levels increase in the body, it results in various heart related diseases.

Main Causes of Cholesterol Problems

When you consume food, its nutrients will transfer via the bloodstreams throughout the body. The cholesterol is transferred along with the proteins. However, when the cholesterol levels are higher than the safer limits, then it builds a wall in the blood veins which makes it difficult for the blood to flow. Poor diet is the biggest cause of increasing low-density lipoprotein in the body. Insufficient physical exercises and obesity plays a critical role in increasing LDL in the body.

High LDL conditions never shows any notable symptoms until the condition is severe. In a severe situation, signs like chest pain, stroke, and heart attack are visible. The only way to identify whether you are undergoing cholesterol problems is to get a detailed blood test done. Some other signs of high LDL in the body are high blood pressure and obesity.

Controlling Cholesterol with Lifestyle Changes

Here are some aspects that should be taken care of to have a balanced cholesterol profile.

#1 Balanced Diet

The primary medium of cholesterol in the body is food. If you are eating high cholesterol food, then there are chances that your cholesterol levels may raise. Eating balanced and low cholesterol diet will help you in keeping it under control.

You have to reduce consuming foods like meat, butter, milk, fried food, sweets, and processed food. Replace all these foods with fatty fishes, almonds, lean meat, whole grains, pasta, brown rice, and foods containing fiber to control your cholesterol levels. In addition to that, you need to give up using saturated oils and start using olive oil.

#2 Increase Physical Activities

It is possible to improve cholesterol levels with proper exercises. Not only it will help you in reducing cholesterol, but will also assist you in keeping your cholesterol under control. You do not have to spend hours in the gym to reduce cholesterol. All you have to do is exercise for mere 30 minutes every day, and it will help you in staying healthy.

#3 Give up Smoking and Reduce Alcohol Consumption

Alcohol and smoking have never assisted in achieving a healthy lifestyle. With that thing in mind, it is best that you quit smoking as soon as possible. The reason behind this is that smoking tends to increase the blood pressure that could gradually decrease the heart health. Quitting smoking will help you in controlling your blood pressure and cholesterol. If you into alcohol consumption, then it is best that you limit the amount of alcohol consumption. Men and women should not consume more than two drinks per day.


Cholesterol is one of the biggest threats for heart health. Controlling cholesterol levels is a must to have a healthy heart and healthy living. 

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