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3 Worst Health-Risk Foods you should Seriously Stay away from

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3 Worst Health-Risk Foods you should Seriously Stay away from

There are 3 worst health-risk foods you should seriously stay away from; these foods are easy available (part of our daily diet) and most people in the world love to relish on these, little knowing what these foods act like ‘slow poison’ in the body.  


Have you ever thought why we cannot do without these foods? Firstly, we grew up eating such foods and being told that these are good for health, and secondly, these foods are found mostly in all foods we consume today.


With time, these foods start destructing our hormones and damaging our metabolism. Read further and you will understand.


3 Worst Health-Risk Foods #1: Sugar


You are totally misled if you think you will keep consuming sugar and burn off those calories with exercise. It never happens; in fact, it keeps adding to your body fat.


Sugar is known to cause damage to our body cells. If this is the case, how can exercise help? When body cells get damaged, no matter how much you exercise, it will not rectify the damage. 

It does not contain any nutrient that would benefit your body; it slows down the generation of WBCs (White Blood Cells) that slowly kills your body’s immunity power to resist any disease. It even raises the triglycerides that could prove dangerous to our heart.

It creates continuous fluctuations in your blood sugar levels—can lead to Type 2 Diabetes. After some time, this blood sugar gives rise to glycation in the body that leads to fast ageing of our vital organs.

3 Worst Health-Risk Foods #2: Vegetable Oils

Do you really think that vegetable oils are good for health? Think again.

The words “vegetable oils” simply means oils directly made from vegetables. BUT this is not the case. The so-called vegetable oils are deadly combinations of a number of oils like sunflower, soybean, corn, canola, etc.

Vegetable oils contain mutated fats that are oxidized and when used daily, it can lead to heart problems. 

These oils cause high imbalance in the fat ratio of Omega 3 : Omega 6.

These oils contain trans-fats that are deadly even though these are non-hydrogenated.

3 Worst Health-Risk Foods #3: Wheat

The hybridized varieties of wheat of recent times do more harm to the health than the ones that were available even 50 years back. Those days, doctors would advise to have less rice, more wheat. But now, both need to be cut down.  

Even knowing that today’s wheat is totally hybridized and full of “gluten”, people who are wheat lovers would have a heart attack if you tell them to stop eating wheat! 

It contains “gluten” that gluten gives rise to immunity disorders and digestive inflammation. It causes gut permeability—leaky gut. 

“Phylates” are mineral blockers and anti-nutrients that are present in today’s wheat. If you are a wheat lover, this phytate would prevent your body from absorbing iron, manganese, calcium and zinc present in your food.

“Lectin” is another anti-nutrient found in wheat that is known as gut-irritant.

Wheat boosts the risk of Type 2 diabetes, causes blood sugar disruption and glycation (similar to what sugar does), weight gain, premature ageing of the organs, etc.

If you are eating wheat thinking it has fiber, think again. It is always better to get fiber from vegetables and nuts, and not from the wheat you are buying today.  




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